VENJASPRID (Imidacloprid 17.8% SL)

Imidacloprid 17.8% SL

Mode of Action

It acts by interfering with the transmission of impulses in the nervous system of insects.


CropCommon Name of the PestDosage
CottonAphids, Whitefly, Jassids, Thrips40 – 50
Paddy (Rice)Brown plant hopper, White backed plant hopper, Green leaf hopper40 – 50
ChilliJassids, Aphids, Thrips50 – 100
MangoHoppers2 – 4 ml / tree
SunflowerWhitefly, Jassids, Thrips40
OkraAphids, Jassids, Thrips40
CitrusLeaf miner, Psylla20
GroundnutAphids, Jassids40 – 50
TomatoWhitefly60 – 70
Note: This bottle is available in 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 Litre
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